Delamere Blog 10.6.21

Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 9:17am


The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the children are all smiley.  It's our final half term together and the summer holidays are fast approaching and what a half term we have planned!  We are going to be very busy in the coming weeks with lots of fun and excting learning and we are hoping to take our learning outdoors when possible.

So far this week we have worked hard on finding thirds of shapes and numbers, we've explored new and ambitious vocabulary in preparation for our poetry unit, talked about siginificant people and why they are important in our history lessons and also crammed in lots of phonics, guided reading and physical education.  In addition to all this we have talked about what they have learnt during their time in Delamere class and reflected upon what they have enjoyed, done well and which skills they hope to improve.  You will be able to read their reflections in their end of year reports.

Now that the weather is warmer (hooray!) please may we remind you of the following

  • apply sun cream prior to arrival at school
  • send your child with a named sun hat
  • make sure your child has a water bottle in school daily

Thank you - we had some thirsty children earlier in the week and the water cooler is no longer in action at school due to current restrictions.

Don't forget your child's weekly homework tasks of logging in to Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars - we can certainly see the postive impact of those that are practising regulalry.  Also regular reading and spelling practise too.

All reading books were changed on Wednesday including library books.  There were some enthusiastic ooh and aahing this week when your children saw their books so I'm sure they will look forward to sharing their reading with you.

Let's hope the sunshine lasts into the weekend.  Take care, stay safe!

Team Delamere