Delamere Blog 15.10.2020

Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 12:10pm

Hello Delamere families,

Isn't it lovely to see the sun shining again?  Good for the soul.

This week we have all been trying really hard to be 'shiny like the sun' and work and play compassionately.  Our class collective worship focussed on our christian value of compassion and this week we looked at how our emotions show how were are feeling and sometimes these are negative emotions of sadness, anger or loneliness.  We talked about how acts of compassion can turn these negative emotions into postive ones.  We had some wonderful suggestions for how we can show and share acts of compassion - what wonderful children we have in Delamere class.  Throughout the week we have spotted children supporting one another beautifully such as one child offering a box of tissues to a tearful child, another waited and ran alongside a child who was slightly confused during a PE session and stayed by their side to offer support and explanation.  These acts came from the children without prompting from an adult.   They certainly reflected the bible verse of 'The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow in anger and rich in love.' So beautiful to witness.

In English this week we have started to look at a new book called 'Troll Swap'.  (Please can we politely ask that you don't share this book with the children at home.  We are using the text for lots of prediction and inference and wouldn't want the children to see the text prior to the lessons)  We have been finding out about the main character Timothy and making predictions about the kind of troll he is.  We have also looked at other trolls who are quite grumpy and grubby by comparison!  The children have been writing some fabulous instructions on how to be a 'good' troll and I must say they are wonderfully naughty!  Here is an excellent example -

In maths this week we have moved on to counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  The children have been chanting these sequences forwards and backwards.  Perhaps this is something they could practise at home too?  Particularly counting in 5s - this seems to be a tricky one at the moment.  They could also watch this for some handy hints and tips

In geography we have moved on to looking at the oceans around the world and the children have been very impressive if their knoweldge - well done to those who have been practising at home too.  Check out this interactive link for practising their locations or they can practise the continents  here  and here  There are different levels of challenge - I wonder if the parents can recall them all too?

Today the children are taking part in a skipping workshop and will each receive a skipping rope.  These will be kept in school for each child to use during PE lessons and playtimes (weather permitting).  Once again thank you to you all for sending your child to school with their PE kits on Wednesday's and Friday's.  Please can you make sure that your child has spare socks on PE days (so they can change out of their tights) and also a pair of dark coloured leggings or jogging bottoms?  Now the weather is changeable, if your child has a pair of trainers could they bring those too? (A great opportunity for learning to tie their own laces).  PLease don not go out and buy trainers especially!

A small change to our routine

From next week, reading books will be changed EVERY WEDNESDAY so please only send in books on this day.  This new routine will continue until Christmas. 

Each week we will let you know in advance the words that we are practising to spell so you can take a look at them at home too.  They will be attached to our weekly blogs.

Thank you to all parents who have booked their parent's evening appointments using school spider.  More information to follow regarding this.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Stay safe everyone.

Team Delamere



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