Delamere Blog 26.11.2020

Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 10:10am

Good morning Delamere Families, we hope you are all well.

We have once again been very busy within Delamre class and there has been some whisperings of Christmas too! Lots of children have been keen to ask about bringing Christmas cards and gifts into school - please see Mrs Snowdon's Blog 20.11.2020 for further information regarding this.

In class we have been learning the poem The Owl and the Pussy Cat and had lots of fun trying to recite the poem from memory.  As class we have learnt the first two verses and I am sure you will be very impressed with the results! (see below)

In maths this week we have been focussing on fact families and mental addition and subtraction. Well done to all the children for using Numbots and TTRS.  The Numbots leaderboard shows for highest number of levels completed - 

1st Argon Spacetron

2nd Vanilla Bababot

3rd Volt Nanoranger

Well done children and keep up the hardwork.

in history we have been looking at the history of cars and comparing old and modern cars.  We found many similarities and differences - the main differences relating to safety!

All children have been practising and preparing for the phonics screening check in two weeks time.  We have seen some great progress in segmenting and blending skills.  Keep practising at home too - look at Phonics Bloom website for great ideas (link in last week's blog)

We have learnt a new game in PE this week and some of the children showed excellent leadership skills when leading the entire game.  It was so lovely to see such a wonderful class play the game with respect to the leader whilst also having lots of fun.  

As the weather is turning colder please can we suggest that your child wears a vest under their school uniform to give them an extra layer of warmth.  All windows remain open all day in the classroom so I'm sure the extra layers will be appreciated. 

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.  Keep your eye on the blogs and school website regularly for all the latest news.

Team Delamere