Delamere Class Blog 07.01.2021

Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 4:13pm

Hello Delamere Families,

We hope that you are all well.  It's been a very unusual week with a lovely start back at school on Monday then all change from Tuesday onwards. 

Can we just say how fabulous you all are?  You have all adapted quickly and many are engaging with the home learning and school based learning amazingly.  A highlight of the day has to be 11.15am when we have our live contact time - we have loved seeing your smiling faces!  We will continue with the live contact sessions every school day during this lockdown at 11.15am.  We will send you a link each day before 9am via school spider and all you have to do is click on the link and it takes you straight to Microsoft Teams and hopefully to us at school!

We are checking our class email account from 9am until 3pm each school day to respond to any questions you have and  check on the work that you have sent in from the day prior.  We will be providing feedback to the work using pink highlighting for anything we think has been done particularly well and in green for areas for development.

We understand that some families don't have access to printers - don't worry!  Simply draw out or create your own versions of any sheets at home if you wish.  We are trying to simplify the recording of work for you as we are adapting to this new way of working.  We are all learning together at the moment and trying to make this process as easy of possible for you.

Don;t forget your child can log in daily to Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars to develop their numeracy skills.  You will have also received parent login details for Monster Phonics today so your child can develop their phoinc knowledge too.

On Monday the whole class enjoyed drawing with Rob and we drew owls to decorate our English working wall.  They look fabulous and the finished board was shared during the live contact link on Wednesday.  If you missed the live contact then here is the owl board for you to see.

Don't forget stationary packs have been made for all children who are home learning.  If you would like one and  haven't collected yours from school yet, then please do contact the school office to arrange collection.

All that's left to say is - stay safe and keep being amazing.  Thank you so much for all your postivie messages.  

Team Delamere