Delamere Times Table Rockstars!

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 8:19pm

Exciting news Delamere! Your Times Table Rocks Stars journey starts right now!

You each now have access to the TTRS website where you can practise your times tables until you reach Rock Hero level, starting with your x 2, x 5 and x 10 times tables.*1l5srql*_ga*MTMzMTc0NjAyNS4xNjgyMDE3NDQ3*_ga_FYSNH92ZJH*MTY4MjAxNzQ0Ny4xLjAuMTY4MjAxNzQ0Ny4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.115561862.1093935755.1682017447-1331746025.1682017447 

Your child will bring home a letter with their login details (these are the same as Numbots) so please do take some time to explore the website and support your child in their home learning. Numbots is still a really useful tool to support your child and can be used alongside TTRS. We will be giving certificates out for both programmes and will track how the children are doing each week. We would recommend 3 x 15 minute sessions a week, or break it down into smaller chunks with daily practise.  

We really hope that you enjoy the new challenge and can’t wait to see how the children get on.

Team Delamere