Delamere - Weekly blog - 10.9.2021

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 4:20pm

Another wonderful week in Delamere! A little hot at times!

The children are really settling into the new routines of Year 2 now and have really risen to the level of challenge introduced this week. Well done Delamere children.

We have introduced our new English focus text this week and spent lots of time talking about the characters and making predictions.  What wonderfully, imaginative children we have!  Their ideas were fabulous. We then moved onto writing our own descriptions of Timothy Limpet using noun phrases. He is a ‘polite troll’ with ‘stripy arms, a hairy head, small, pointy ears and he lives in a tidy, clean cave!’ 

In Maths, we have been counting up to 100, reading and writing number words and representing both 1-digit and 2-digit numbers using a variety of resources, (photos below).

In RE we continued to learn about Pentecost and made fire headbands and wind sticks to help us retell the story of when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples. Here is a link for a song that we have been using to help us. I wonder if the children can hear the important parts of the story in the lyrics. . We also looked at symbols that Christians use to represent their beliefs about the Holy Spirit and decorated our own crosses to show what we had learnt. I think you will agree that they are beautiful! (see photos)

In PE the children took part in a cricket session on Monday with a sports coach and worked incredibly hard on what was a very hot day!  Thank goodness the majority of children had a water bottle and sun hat.  On Thursday they took part in gymnastics with Miss Pile and listened really well to the instructions of how to move in different ways.

We have also been working hard on our handwriting this week, going over the letters c, a and d. It was super to see some of the children including these beautifully written letters in their writing!

All of the children have brought reading books home now and it is great to see that lots of children have already been reading at home. It is so important that you read with your child as frequently as you can. It is also important that reading books and records are brought into school every day so that we can read with the children at school too.

Excellent examples this week are – Lexi-May, Bobby, George, Zac and Courban. A big well done to you all!

Please check your emails for information about reading books and Numbots/Time Table Rockstars.

We hope that you all have a fabulous weekend and look forward to more adventures next week.

Team Delamere