Delamere Weekly Blog - 1.10.2021

Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 7:59pm

It’s been another lovely week in Delamere class. How is it already October? Time is racing by! 

We continued to develop our cricket skills in PE with some fabulous throwing and catching techniques being used and some pretty impressive batting!

In our English lessons we have continued to look at the story Troll Swap and thought carefully about why Tabitha enjoyed being a troll for the day – she certainly seemed to enjoy splashing in squelchy, muddy puddles.  We learnt to write in character using the pronoun ‘I’ and also developed our skills in writing a diary and a letter.  We are currently celebrating the use of these key skills in your children’s writing

  • Capital letters
  • Full stops
  • Finger spaces

So, if your child is busy writing at home too then it would be great if you could cast your eye over their written masterpieces for these skills too.

Our phonics lessons have been exploring spelling rules and when to use c, k or ck within a word.  We have also focussed on the sound ew this week.

On Thursday and Friday we also had look at the common exception words for both Year 1 and Year 2. We have attached below a picture of all of the CEW words that the children will be expected to know by the end of Year 2 and if they work as hard on them throughout the year as they did this week we are sure that they will make heaps of progress towards this target! As well as the word lists, we have also attached some fun ways that you can practise spelling these words at home. (See in files below)

In Geography this week we have been exploring and labelling route maps of the local area and then giving verbal instructions of how to get from one place to another.  Lots of vocabulary development and use of compass point terminology such as North, South, East and West.  This is something you could explore with your child at home too. Next week we are crafting our own compasses!

Science was all about the life cycle of humans and it was so great to see some photos of the children, and some grown-ups, when they were babies and toddlers. We had a fun game of Guess Who and were surprised at how many we could work out! 

In Maths we have continued to learn about the place value in two-digit numbers and have begun to use place value charts to help partition numbers. We are really confident at splitting those numbers into tens and ones and just need to remember the value that is in the tens column of the place value chart. So, if our number is 35 our place value chart would look like this.







We are now working on confidently recording number sentences using this representation. So, here we could write:

30 + 5 = 35     or      35 = 30 + 5

I wonder if anyone can explain what mistake I have made in this next place value chart.







We are sending a big WELL DONE to our Numbots winners this week, Keiya, Brooke and Sophia and also to the children who received excellent examples Amelia, Kobe and Brooke.

You are all doing so well Delamere and we are super proud of you. Have a well-deserved, wonderful weekend and we will see you for more fun and learning next week.

Team Delamere

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