Delamere Weekly Blog - 13.12.2024
Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 3:16pm
Well done to Delamere for completing another jam packed week in Year 2! We are nearing the end of our first term in Year 2 and what a lot of progress we have made.
In English we have once again been focusing on expanded noun phrases and using them to describe what we could see from a rooftop, using the our story ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ as our inspiration.
A big highlight of the week was our whole school trip to watch Cinderella. Not only was it a fantastic show full of sparkles, flying horses, bouncing beach balls and water guns but it was even more fantastic to see how well behaved and respectful our children were. They once again did the school proud with their beautiful behaviour. (Oh yes they did! Sorry, I couldn’t resist!)
In Geography we explored the human and physical features of three continents. Europe, Antarctica and Africa. We talked about climate and also made comparisons between the continents based on our findings.
In dance the children created group dances and performed them to the judges 'Britain's got Talent' style. Their dances were fabulous and the Roses team won overall. Great team work all round.
In PSHCE we talked about the importance of brushing our teeth and how to look after our them. We watched a few tooth brushing songs/videos - I wonder if your children can remember any of them when it comes to tooth brushing or maybe you could look online and find your own. There are some great tooth brushing timers available where the toothbrush brushes away the foam to slowly reveal a picture over a two-minute timer or a song and animation. This is a link to the Bluey Christmas one and a Sonic the Hedgehog one!
This week our big WELL DONE goes to Archie, Thomas and Kalvin for topping the Numbots Leader Board. A letter with log in details has come home today which will hopefully help those children who were struggling to access the website. It would be great to see some different names at the top for our last certificates of 2024.
Please check Mrs Snowdon’s blog for detail of the upcoming events next week and don’t forget to keep up with the reading at home. Lastly, a massive thank you to everyone who came and supported the school’s Christmas Extravaganza tonight. It really is so wonderful to see our school community working together to create precious memories for our children.
Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to more fun and learning next week.
Team Delamere