Delamere Weekly Blog - 24.9.2021

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 3:43pm

Another jam-packed week with lots of great achievements and success stories!

In Maths the children are really beginning to grasp how we can partition two-digit numbers in different ways and have been practising this skill using dienes blocks and part whole models.

Our English learning has been very exciting as we moved onto the part of the story when Timothy and Tabitha met with a ‘Clunk’ (we love this word!) This led to lots of role play with the children taking on the roles of Tabitha and Timothy. This was done with such enthusiasm and expression and it was wonderful to see how creative the children were and they also rose to the challenge of including the word ‘because’ in their sentences.

In guided reading we have begun to look at a beautiful book called Eric.  We used our inference skills to make predictions about the character on the front cover and considered his personality.  There was great use of ‘because’ in the children’s justifications for their predictions.  Wonderful to see transference of skills across the curriculum!  

This week Delamere were very lucky as we had a special Class Collective Worship led by Mrs Snowdon and we explored the parable of ‘The Lost Sheep’. As a class we thought about what this meant to us and decided that Jesus wants us to know that he is like the Good Shepherd who comes to the rescue. He will always show compassion and kindness towards us when we are in need.

In PE this week it was great to see the improvement in the children’s cricket skills, with some children batting so well that their friends had to run all the way over the field to retrieve their ball!

In Science we have begun our topic on Animals including humans, and today we asked the question “do all animal offspring look like their adults”? Some great discussion, sorting and question asking took place and the children made great progress.

Our geography lessons had us thinking about different types of maps and we had a go at drawing a sketch map of our journey from home to school.  We quickly realised that a set of common mapping symbols would be very useful to help us to navigate our way.  It would be super if you could look at maps with your child at home too.  It could be any type of map from ordnance survey to google earth or even using sat navs.  Take a look at the images of some of the sketch maps the children drew.

SCIENCE HOME LEARNING TASK: Could you please send in a photo of your child as a baby or toddler? We will use the photos to make a class Guess Who book. If you are not able to send in a photo maybe your child could draw a picture of them as a baby. These will be needed by Thursday 29th September at the latest. Thank you so much for your support with this. We will include baby photos of some of the adults at Over St. John’s so the children can try and guess which baby photo belongs to which grown up!

Excellent examples this week go to Vicky, Jaydan and Sophia and the Numbots certificates go to Jaydan, Alyssia and Sophia! A big well done to everyone!

We hope that you have a great weekend

Team Delamere