Delamere Weekly Blog - 3.12.2021

Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 4:02pm

Another very busy but productive week and the children have worked so hard! Well done Delamere! 

In English we have began to read the story 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' and the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Plop. We looked at what an adverb is and how we can use them to add more detail to our writing. We were really impressed with how the children have begun to use these in their book talk and even started to use them in the writing. I wonder if you can spot the adverbs in these examples of children's sentences.

"Plop was perched sadly on a large tree branch and he slowly took a deep breath."

"He nervously took a little step and started to quickly flap his wings before he dropped."

"He silently took five deep breaths as he stepped off slowly and began to quickly flap his fluffy, feathery wings."

In Maths, we have been looking at using our number facts to help us work out different number facts and we have been so pleased with the way that the children are beginning to look for mathematical patterns and explain what they can see using mathematical language such as greater than, less than, tens, ones. 

In RE this week we have continued to learn about our Creation unit and asked the question 'Why do Christians say thank you at Harvest time?' We listened to the Cauliflowers Fluffy song, watched the story 'The Elephant and the Bad Baby' and made thank you cards to show God what we are thankful for. Some beautiful work was produced so well done Delamere. 

This week something very strange happened - when we tried to print off the Numbots certificates, their weren't any there! The children were very honest and said that they hadn't been on it this week. We talked about how important this home learning is and they have all promised to make up for it this week! I can't wait to see who will take home our certificates next Friday. 

Our Excellent Examples this week are Kizzy, Evie, Phoebe, Brooke and Marley so a big WELL DONE to you all. 

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week. 

Team Delamere