Delamere Weekly Blog - 4.2.2022

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 3:42pm

Another busy yet rewarding week in Delamere class.  We have enjoyed continuing the story Rabbit and Bear in our guided reading sessions and spent time using  our VIPERS skills of summarising and retrieving.  Some great group discussions took place and it was wonderful to hear the children using the newly discovered vocabulary.

Lots to be pleased about regarding reading this week with some children moving stages in their reading and many showing great progress towards the top of the bronze ladder.  Can any one else gain their bronze reader award next week?  Remember we are looking for at least four reads per week. 

In English this week we have been exploring the structure of non fiction texts.  Using terms such as heading, sub heading and introductions.  We have enjoyed researching owl facts and making use of our notetaking skills.  We have now created a plan for our own information text ‘All about Owls’ and we look forward to writing these next week.

In Maths we have been using a whole host of skills to help us with our addition calculations.  From unmarked number lines, part whole models and mental recall of bonds to 10 and 20 – we have been drawing on all our strategies.  Lots of promising responses for how we can work out the answers!

In History we have been historical investigators and looked closely at a postcard ‘Shipwreck at sea’.  We have used evidence-based questioning to find out as much as we could from the one historical source. There was some impressive observations and reasoning!

We enjoyed painting stones for Fowles Funeral Service reflection garden.  We based ours around our Christian value of compassion and spent time considering how we can show compassion to others in times of sadness and times of reflection.  ‘The Lord is gracious and compassionate; slow to anger and rich in love’ Psalm 146:8 (See Photo).

In our class collective worships over the last few weeks we have been unpicking the parable of ‘The Good Samaritan’. We began by thinking about the actions of the Samaritan and then wrote some beautiful sentences, on hand shaped paper, about how he showed compassion. Next we thought about what the parable teaches us about how we can show compassion in our lives. We thought of lots of ways that we can ‘Let our Lights Shine’. See the photo below of our amazing new display.

In Science, we began a new unit all about Materials and used our imaginations to design different objects using very unsuitable materials. We had a chocolate teapot, a dress made out of paper, lego shoes and lots more.

Another successful week in both dance and swimming.  The children are really getting to grips with their dances and were choreographing their own sections this week.  As for the swimming – well they all should be very proud of themselves.  Such wonderful water confidence developing.  A note to the children -  don’t forget to keep blowing bubbles in the water to practise getting your faces wet!

Parent’s Consultation evenings are coming up and many of you have booked your appointments.  Don’t forget to log on if you haven’t already done so and book your slot.

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to our Numbots winners Kobe, Sophia and Ava and our three excellent examples Ernie, George and Alice. 

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to lots more fun and learning next week. 

Team Delamere