Delamere Weekly Blog - 5.11.2021

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 6:29pm

It has been so great to see all of the children return to school after half term with renewed enthusiasm and confidence!

This week in English we have started to look at Edward Lear’s poem The Owl and the Pussycat which was first written in 1871! The children have engaged so well with the poem and most children are able to recite the first verse off by heart already! We have carried out lots of vocabulary exploration and learnt lots of new words in the process. We can’t wait for next week when we will be writing our own versions.

During our handwriting sessions we have been looking at the I, i and t.  We looked at the similarities and differences between the formation of these letters and the letter height.  It has been wonderful to see some of these formations being used in their day to day writing too.  Keep up the hard work.  Take a look at this link to see the animations to support cursive  letter formation.

In Maths we have been looking at the relationship between addition and subtraction and using one calculation to check the answer of the other – this is called the inverse operation. We have also been looking at how we can compare two number sentences, e.g. 3 + 4 = 2 + 5. We used the balance scales to help us see how each number sentence compared by putting the correct Numicon pieces in each bucket. When they were balanced it meant that they were equal or of the same value. We then also looked at some number sentences that were more than/less than the other and recorded these in our books. We are getting so much better at recording our Maths work in an organised and smart way! We will continue this next week looking at comparing number sentences involving subtraction.  

Comparing Number Sentences.png

This week has been parliament week and we have been finding out about parliament, the prime minister and learning about democracy.  See the separate blog for further information.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for further information about our spelling practise next week where we will be sharing the lists of words for your child to practise each week.

This week, our big WELL DONE goes to our Numbots certificate winners Zac, Jaydan and Bobby and our excellent examples were given to Kobe, Ava and Marley. It was wonderful that some of our excellent examples were for children being courageous advocates choosing to pick litter during their own playtime to cherish their local environment. What a gorgeous way to let God’s light shine!

We hope that you have a fun and safe time celebrating Bonfire Night this weekend and look forward to hearing all about it next week.

Team Delamere