Delamere's Weekly Blog - 6.10.2023
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 4:00pm
Another week has whizzed by in Delamere and we continue to be amazed by the efforts of the class!
In English this week we have been focusing on the character of Tabitha, thinking of lots of noun phrases to describe her and using them to create our own character descriptions. Lots of lovely vocabulary was on display and we noticed a real effort to present our work neatly.
In Maths we began the week by partitioning two-digit numbers flexibly and it was brilliant to see so many children using a system and organising their work beautifully. This is so important in Maths to make sure that we don't get muddled and make mistakes. We also looked at finding and showing numbers on number lines that show steps of 10. We seemed to really understand this concept and found our high-tech counting stick really helped us to visualise where the numbers would be.
We continued to explore our Enquiry Question in History "Which Queen reigned at the best time?" and focused on life in the Tudor times. We found out that most people in the Tudor times lived in small villages and made their living from farming. They worked for 6 days a week and it was a struggle to survive. We compared the life of rich people and poor people in Tudor times. Lots of information to take in but we were really impressed with how the children used their History skills to sort through the different information. Next week we will begin to find out about what Queen Elizabeth I did to make a change.
In Art the children had a wonderful session using natural resources to create their own transient artwork. Lots of thoughtful placing of objects and discussions about what they had created and why.
Our big WELL DONE this week goes to Sebastian, Daisy and Beatrice for being at the top of the Numbots leaderboard.
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to more fun and learning in Delamere next week.
Team Delamere