Delamere Weekly Blog - 7.1.2022

Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 12:36pm

What a fantastic start to 2022! It has been so lovely to see the children after the break and they have come back with renewed enthusiasm and energy and a real focused attitude towards their learning. Well done Delamere! 

In Maths we have continued with our addition and subtraction unit, learning some strategies to make us more efficient in our calculations. We were really impressed with how the children tackled the strategy for adding 9!

Our Rekenreks arrived just before Christmas and it has been great watching the children use them to support their Maths Fluency sessions. They are a little bit like an abacus and are a fantastic resource to help us recall our number facts more quickly and make links between calculations.

We continued with our Incarnation unit in RE and the children practised retelling the Christmas story through role play, creating story maps and even made links with our computing by taking digital photographs to make our own photo story.

In our PSHCE lessons we have been looking at ways of keeping and staying safe.  As part of this we have been talking about why it is important to keep your shoes fastened properly.  We spent some time learning to tie shoelaces (thank you for sending in a shoe!) and WOW how amazing were the children.  By the end of the session many children managed to tie the laces on their shoe and repeat the process several times.  Keep practising at home and we shall be revisiting this, in class, in a few weeks to see how many more children have succeeded in tying their shoelaces.

We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the artwork of Japanese artist Hokusai this week and looked closely at The Great Wave.  We used oil pastels on paper to recreate the wave and worked on our blending skills.   What a wonderful collection of art the children produced.  We can’t wait to display these in our classroom! 

Don’t forget that from now on we will be going swimming on a Wednesday afternoon. We have been talking to the children a lot about this to prepare them. Keep encouraging your child to use a towel dry themselves at home and practise getting their swim wear on as this will make the experience much easier and even more enjoyable. Remember your child will need

  • Swimming costume/trunks
  • Towel
  • Goggles
  • Change of underwear
  • Water proof bag (this can be a carrier bag)

Please may we ask that your child wears socks on swimming days rather than tights.  Hair must be tied up securely. 

Whilst we are swimming, Delamere will no longer have PE on a Thursday so will only need their PE kit on a Monday.

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to Numbots winners Kizzy, Courban and Amelia and our Excellent Examples Kizzy, Connie, Jaydan and Phoebe.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope that you all have a fantastic weekend.

Team Delamere