Delamere Weekly Blog - Mental Health Week

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 3:51pm

Another rewarding week in Delamere class with more children making great reading progress reaching the top of the bronze ladder achieving their bronze reading award. Well done and keep up the hard work everyone. 
In Guided Reading this week we have been working hard on our inference skills and answering questions by seeking answers from the text and images.  This is a great reading skill to practise during your home reading too.  Ask lots of questions about the books they are reading and try and encourage them to explain how and why they have come to their answers.
In English we have begun to write our fact sheet all about owls and are working hard to add in all our mastery and gateway keys.  Lots of great noun phrases, commas in a list and basic punctuation have been used whilst writing independently.  We are working on writing stamina currently and encouraging the children to write for longer periods of time and completing their tasks to the best of their ability.
In Maths we have been applying our skills from addition and subtractions to solving word problems.  We are so proud with how well they are at adding two, 2 digit numbers together.  Top job!
As this week is Children's Mental Health week we began the week comparing the difference between mental and physical health.  We have carried out many calming techniques throughout the week and considered who we would have in our support bubble. 

Today we downed tools to have a whole day away from the curriculum and we spent the morning building some amazing dens in our classroom. It was brilliant to see the children working on their resilience and perseverance as it wasn't always straight forward and we spent a lot of time problem solving and thinking of ways to improve our dens. The children thoroughly enjoyed the den building process but also loved spending some time in their dens, talking, looking at books and we even had our story time in the dens. This afternoon we used craft materials to make beautiful flowers to remind us of our how we grow together emotionally. I will add some photos to the display of the children’s fabulous dens as a further reminder of how important it is to have that resilience and to look after our mental health. We also did lots fo things that make us happy like jigsaws, lego building, drawing and playing games. Pictures are attached below and also some breathing activities that can be really useful when we have big feelings. 

Well done Delamere and thank you for a wonderful day.

Well done to our Numbots winners this week Brooke and Kizzy and we hope that you all have a great weekend.

See you next week!

Team Delamere


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