Delamere Weekly Blog - Merry Christmas Everyone!

Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 2:20pm

Well what a term it has been!  The children in Delamere class have a lot to be proud of.  We have seen a huge increase in confidence,  independence and focus over the term and they have certainly 'Let their lights shine before others'.
We have all learnt so much this term - from looking at evacuees to exploring the significance of Remembrance day. We have enjoyed developing our art skills in collage, water colours and critiquing art! In PE we have learnt the skills needed to play cricket with some fantastic throwing, catching and team work too. 
The children have been working hard on mastering basic skills in their writing, exploring new vocabulary and fostering a love for books and stories - Eric was definitely a favourite!
How amazing were they at the Christmas service?!  Such beautiful singing and dancing - all delivered with a smile and enthusiasm. Thak you to the parents and carers who could come along too.  
We couldn't be prouder, and we look forward to more adventures together in 2022.
Well done to our Numbots winners this week Kizzy, Zac and Vicky! 
All that's left to say is a huge thank you to each and everyone of our families for their continued support.  We wish you all well and a very happy Christmas.