Delamere Weekly Spellings

Date: 22nd Apr 2021 @ 10:13pm

Starting on Friday the 23rd April, each Friday the children in Delamere will be bringing home a set of spellings. The following Friday, during our phonics session, we will have a quick check in our spelling books to see how we have got on with these words. It would be great if you could please practise the weekly words with your child at home to build up their confidence and help improve the quality of their independent writing. 

The spellings lists are attached. Your child only has to practise the spellings on the sheet that they bring home. 

For your information, we have also attached the Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words lists, which include the words that children are expected to know by the end of KS1. Obviously this year has been a bit strange to say the least and children will be at very different stages with their spelling but we thought that it might be helpful for you to have an overview of the words that the children will be working towards learning. 

Thank you once again for your continued support, it really does make such a difference and, as always, please do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries. 

Team Delamere 

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