Delamere's Class Blog - 24.6.22

Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 4:14pm

Another busy week packed full of fun and learning! 

This week in English we have begun a new unit of work based around the story 'Tidy' by emily Gravett. It is a beautiful story and it has been amazing to see how well the children have engaged with the text. Our week began with a trip to our outside area which had been tranformed into a forest! The children used their language skills and ever-growing vocabularies to explore the area and predict what might happen in our story. From this starting point the children have produced some outstanding written work including character descriptions, poems and sentences including lots of new and challenging vocabulary. We cannot wait to see what the children will produce next! 

In Maths this week the children have been recapping their addition skills and putting them to use solving a variety of different problems. They have also been exploring number lines and finding midpoints between numbers and saying which multiples of ten are on either side of a number. Well done Delamere! 

'The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.' In  our class collective worship this week we began to think about our class Christian value of Compassion and how it is not always easy to show it all of the time. We decided that we would write our own prayers asking God to give us strength to see, hear and know when we need to show compassion to others. Below we have attached some of the prayers created and I think you will agree that they are very thoughtful and moving.

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to our Numbots winners Keiya, Phoebe and Kizzy and our TTRS winners, Phoebe, Kizzy and Keiya! Our Excellent Examples this week go to Ava and Keiya! Well done for letting your lights shine this week. 

We hope that you have a fantastic weekend and we look forward to more fun and learning next week. 

Team Delamere