Delamere’s Update 15.3.19

Date: 16th Mar 2019 @ 6:48am

This week the children have amazed me with their writing when creating an advert for Anderton Boat Lift. (See pictures below) We really enjoyed using our research homework to help us. Thank you so much to all the parents who supported their children to complete this task. 

In maths we have finished our work on fractions and tested our knowledge with some reasoning problems. You can see some examples in the pictures below. 

We talked about why we raised money for Comic Relief, linking it with our Christian Value of compassion. As a school we raised over £100 to help others that are not as fortunate as ourselves. 

Your child may have mentioned that they will be going swimming soon with school. They are correct! A letter will be coming home very soon to explain this further so please keep an eye out for it in your child’s bag.

Have a lovely weekend.