Delamere’s Update 26.4.19

Date: 27th Apr 2019 @ 6:52am

We have had a very busy week starting our new topic for this term which is called What would I find in a forest? We began by sharing what we already know about forests  

So far in English we have begun reading and writing about Goldilocks, using the transitional version of the story. In science we have begun investigating seeds and how they are spread so that new plants can grow. 

In maths our work is all about measures. This a really good topic to practise at home - rulers, weighing scales, measuring jugs and thermometers. 

There have now been two swimming sessions and we are all so proud of how well the children are getting on. Please make sure they have their kit every Wednesday. 

Have a good weekend and try and stay dry! 

Mrs Bettley