Delamere's Weekly Blog - 10.1.2025

Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 5:33pm

Happy New Year everyone! It has certainly been a cold and icy start to 2025 but we didn’t let it get in the way of our learning as we hit the (frosty) ground running in Delamere!

This week we have been lucky enough to welcome Miss McTasney to Team Delamere, who will be with us on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the first six weeks of term.

In English we have been working towards the writing outcome of our unit which is to write our own fact sheets about owls. We unpicked a fact sheet about cats, identifying features of the non-fiction text and having a go at picking out the key information. Towards the end of the week, we then created our own plans for our fact sheets, choosing a main heading and making notes about the appearance, diet and habits of owls. This was not an easy task but we were very impressed with how the children persevered and produced some fantastic plans. We are now even more excited about getting on with our writing task next week.

In Maths this week we worked hard on our subtraction skills, subtracting across 10 using number lines and dienes blocks, thinking about how we can exchange 1 ten for 10 ones to help us. We then looked at using our number bonds to 10 to help us when subtracting from a ten, e.g. 20 – 4 or 50 – 7. We'll continue with this next week. Great work Delamere!

In other areas of the curriculum we thought about books that are special to us in RE, explored, drew and labelled a range of puppets in DT, self-assessed our learning on animals in their habitats in Science and then looked forward to our materials topic and we looked at observational drawing from stills using soft pencils and fine liners in Art.

Well done to everyone who has been doing lots of reading at home. We are really starting to see so many children making big leaps with their reading skills and this is down to reading often. Keep it up!

A massive shout out to to Izzy and Hollie for being the only 2 children to access Numbots this week! I have counted lots of raffle tickets into the Golden tin for you. What a fantastic start to the New Year. Come on Delamere – let’s see if anyone else can challenge them to the top of the leaderboard next week!

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to more fun and learning next week.

Team Delamere