Delamere's Weekly Blog - 10.3.2021

Date: 11th Mar 2023 @ 6:25pm

Another jam packed week in Delamere!

In Maths we have been continuing to learn strategies for solving subtraction problems and we are really impressed with how the children are applying what they know to the new strategies. Well done!

English has been a further exploration of our class book ‘The Dragon Machine’ and the children thought of lots of wonderful noun phrases for things that they could see and hear on our dragon ride with ‘misty, white clouds’ and ‘the howling wind’ being some of our favourites.

In Science we began our new topic of plants, thinking about what we already know and what we would like to know. We then began an investigation by planting a bean seed in a clear plastic bag and sticking it to the window. We are hoping that we will be able to observe our beans closely and see what usually happens hidden away in the soil. We will keep you posted over the coming weeks.

Our Numbots champions for the week were Olivia, Adelaide and Danielle and our Excellent Examples were Spencer and Elissa for their super English work.

Next week is Self Esteem week. I wonder if your child can tell you what they found out about it in our special assembly?

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to more fun and learning next week.

Team Delamere