Delamere's Weekly Blog - 13.10.23
Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 3:45pm
Another fun filled week in Delamere has whizzed by!
in English this week we really focused on our basic skills and mastery keys as we explored the story Troll Swap further, making sure that our writing had all of the basics, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops but also tried hard to include the words ‘and’ and ‘because’ to extend our sentences and noun phrases to add more detail. Our writing is coming on a treat and we can’t wait to share it with you at the upcoming parent consultations.
Maths has been all about placing numbers on number lines and comparing both groups of objects and numbers. Some great mathematical language was used, such as more than, less than and equal to and we have made sure that we are counting groups of tens and ones carefully.
In Art the children have been working with pen, charcoal and pencil for observational drawings of our nature collections and the results have been brilliant.
In PE we did dance based on being royal and living in a royal palace. There were lots of great mimes and exaggerated movements.
In Shared Reading the children have enjoyed using our retrieval and inference skills to find out about lots of different sea creatures. I wonder if they can tell you any of the interesting facts that we learnt about Octopuses today.
Our big Numbots WELL DONE this week goes to Oscar, Matilda and Daisy.
Don’t forget to check if you are up to the first challenge box of your Readopoly board. If your child chooses to take part in this challenge, they will receive five tokens for the prize jar. Evidence of completed challenges must be sent to
Quick reminder about PE – PE takes place on a Monday and a Thursday. In order for the children to be READY, PE kits must be in school for both of these sessions. If you wish to leave a kit in school for a half term, this is fine but I know it is difficult with the sports clubs happening after school.
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to more fun and learning next week.
Team Delamere