Delamere's Weekly Blog - 15.10.2021

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 3:46pm

Another wonderfully busy week in Delamere.  Lots of personal achievements this week where the children have ‘Let their lights shine before others’ Matthew 5: 14 – 16 in acts such as supporting others who have been struggling or unsure with their work, independently spotting and including others who may have felt they had no one to play with. We have certainly seen many acts of compassion ‘The Lord is gracious and compassionate: slow to anger and rich in love’ where the children have shown comfort and support to others both in the classroom and whilst playing outside. We are very proud of them all.

Our children have been thoroughly enjoying discussing the antics of Eric in our guided reading and used their wonderful imaginations to consider the small items Eric encounters and what they might be used for.  Ideas such as a metal bottle top might be a mirror or serving tray, a button could be a pair of binoculars and a sweet wrapper could be a blanket.  If you have any metal bottle tops or large buttons, then it would be fabulous if you could send them in for our class display.  Well done to those children who have already done so.

In English we have had great fun sequencing and retelling the story of Troll Swap and engaged in a game of Babble Gabble.  A competition who can retell the story the fastest!  It’s a fun and effective way of helping children to recall a story sequence and a game that you could play at home too with your child.  We used the sequence of Troll Swap as inspiration for us to plan our own version of the story and then began by writing the beginning of our very own stories, with Teddy the troll and Tracy the girl as the main characters. Lots of story language was used and it was great to see the children getting on with a greater independence. We can’t wait to see how their stories develop over the next few sessions.

In Maths we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s this week and exploring patterns in numbers.  There has been some impressive maths talk and use of mathematical explanation and vocabulary. The skill of counting in steps is a great one to practise at home, counting how many shoes or socks by counting in twos, how many fingers on sets of gloves by counting in 5s or counting how much money by counting 10p coins. Lots of fun to be had!

We got a bit of a shock when we returned to class after play time on Thursday to see that it had turned into a desert island, giant palm tree and all! We then pretended that we were stranded on a desert island with only the sun, sea and some sand. This helped us to explore our Science objective of finding out about the basic needs of animals, including humans. It was wonderful to see the children so engaged and really getting into character and it stimulated lots of discussion and deeper thinking about what we need to survive versus what we would like to have to make us more comfortable and happy. I wonder if your child can tell you the 4 basic needs of an animal? We then wrote messages asking for the things that we needed and put them into bottles before throwing them into the sea. Luckily a speedboat saw one and zoomed over to rescue us. What an adventure!

A massive thank you for your contributions to our harvest food collection.  So far, we have a number of tins of rice pudding, soup and some sponge puddings.  Don’t worry if you have forgotten there is still time for you to send in your items next week.

Don’t forget Parent’s Evening next week on Tuesday 19th October and Thursday 21 October.  You can book your appointment using school spider. We are really looking forward to seeing you.

We hope that you have a fantastic weekend and we will see you next week.

Team Delamere