Delamere's Weekly Blog - 17.6.2022

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 4:17pm

Well it has certainly felt like Summer this week! What a scorcher!

The children have been absolute superstars working their socks off even through the incredible heat towards the end of the week. I think they coped better than me!

We have had some amazing work produced in our English sessions this week as we have continued to look at the story ‘The Dragon Machine.’ The children are still so engaged with the topic of dragons and we are still on the look out for them. The children have continued to work on including lots of different sentence types in their work and we were really impressed with the setting descriptions, with lots of children working hard to pull together lots of elements of their learning.

In Maths we have completed our unit on Time, looking at durations of time, comparing and ordering them. The children have made super progress with their time skills so please do try and include a little bit of practise in your day to day life. We should all be able to tell the time to the hour, half past the hour and quarter past/to the hour and some of us are able to tell the time in 5 minute intervals. It really is one of those skills where practise makes perfect and before they know it I am sure they will be using their time skills without even thinking about it.

In RE this week, we began our unit of World Religions, looking specifically at the faith of Islam. We started by thinking about the meaning behind a selection of names, including some of our own, which led us to learn about the different names that Muslims have for Allah. I wonder if your child can tell you how many different names there are for Allah in the Qu’ran? The children were so interested in their own names so it might be a nice activity to have a look into the meaning of their name or talk about why their name might have been chosen. We would love to see anything that you find out.

Also this week we have been thinking about how computers work using algorithms. We realised in order for computers to work they need a set of finely tuned instructions. Then in pairs we tried out different ways of giving instructions to one another including pretending to be robots and giving instructions such as forward, backwards, straight ahead, turn to the side and GO! We had a lot of fun!

Our big WELL DONE today goes to our Numbot winner Kizzy! (Only 1?!!!! Which means only one child accessed the games this week. Come on Delamere, let’s make it more interesting!) and our TTRS winner Sophia and our Excellent Examples Kobe, Vicky and Kira.

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you for more fun and learning next week. Remember, next week we will be welcoming Mrs Matzen into our school family!

Team Delamere