Delamere's Weekly Blog - 18.10.24
Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 4:09pm
A bit of a wet week in parts but it hasn’t dampened Delamere’s enthusiasm! We have had another great week.
In English we have been squirrelling away writing our own versions of the story ‘Troll Swap’ and we have been blown away by the children’s efforts.
In Maths we have been comparing groups of objects and numbers with increasing confidence!
Another highlight this week was celebrating Black History Month! This years theme is Reclaiming Narratives which is a wonderful opportunity for us to highlight the untold stories and histories of Black people in the UK. We explored the life and achievements of Mary Seacole, a mixed Scottish/Jamaican woman born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1805. She rose to prominence during the Crimean war where she cared for sick and injured soldiers. 100 years after her achievements she was largely forgotten as a historical figure but in recent times her achievements have been re-discovered and celebrated. We discussed whether or not we should remember Mary Seacole and explored the different ways that we can do this. We even created our own portraits, stamps and £50 notes! Great work Delamere!
In other areas of the curriculum we started our Keeping Healthy topic in PSHE and made a shopping list of healthy food and drink. Some very juicy options such as watermelon and plums were added. In Cricket we worked hard refining our throwing and catching skills through small games using equipment and there were some budding gymnasts spotted this week in gymnastics. In Art we explored wax resist and the children then created their own wax resist feathers for our perfectly Norman display.
Our big WELL DONE this week goes to Hollie for topping both of the Numbots leader boards and we also congratulate Reuben and Eliza for earning certificates. Please do check out our homework tab on our class page to ensure all home learning is being completed each week.
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to more fun and learning next week.
Team Delamere