Delamere's Weekly Blog - 18.2.2022

Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 6:32pm

What a wonderful, if not very windy, end to half term we have had. The children have continued to impress us with their detemination and positivity this week and we are so proud of all that they have achieved. 

This week has seen all of the children complete their own fact sheets about owls, begin to work on strategies when adding two 2-digit numbers that cross the tens boundary and get creative with collage, making lighhouse pictures to reflect their learning about Grace Darling. In RE we continued to learn about Judaism and explored lots of new vocabulary, such as Shabbat, Challah bread and Havdalah candles. We also had great fun in Science, learning about the different properties of materials and using our skills of identifying and classifying to create our own materials monsters. Lots of great discussions and observations occured during this activity and it was great to see all of the children so engagaged.

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to Numbots winners Zac, Brooke and Kizzy and our Excellent Examples are Zac, Vicky and Marley. 

Have a fantastic half term, rest up, stay safe and keep reading! We are so proud of the progress you are all making with your reading so let's keep it up! 

See you on Tuesday 1st March for lots more fun and learning.  

Team Delamere