Delamere's Weekly Blog - 18.3.2022

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 12:36pm

Another busy week and it has been a pleasure to see so many children displaying a really positive attitude to their learning.

In English this week the children have written some amazing poems all about the night, being adventurous with their word choices and sentence types to create some truly unique pieces!

In Maths the children have once again amazed us with their confidence in learning new skills as we began our unit on Multiplication. We have been looking at equal and unequal groups, using repeated addition to represent equal groups and have drawn and matched pictures of equal groups to represent repeated addition expressions. A fantastic start Delamere. Next week we will begin to look at how we can use the multiplication sign.

In Science this week we all undertook another exciting investigation as we explored how we can change the shape of some materials by bending, stretching, squashing and twisting them. We then challenged ourselves to find objects that couldn't be changed in any of these ways. I wonder if you could have a look at objects around your house and see if they can bend, stretch, twist or be squashed. 

In RE this week we began our Resurrection unit and started to think about why the resurrection story is so important to Christians. We looked at the signs of Spring in our school grounds and then listened to the story of Palm Sunday which marks the beginning of Holy Week. We then made some gorgeous palm leaves to wave as we shouted “Hosanna!” The children have been practising the class poem that we will be performing at the Easter Service which is linked to Palm Sunday and this would be a lovely activity to work on at home to continue our learning in RE.

It was good to see a small increase in the amount of children accessing Numbots this week but there is still a large proportion of children not accessing the programme at all. I know that life is super busy but just 5 minutes 3 times a week would make a massive difference to your child’s Maths fluency. 

This week our big WELL DONE goes to Phoebe, Alyssia and Brooke for winning our Numbots certificates, with first place getting 30 raffle tickets this week!

Another big WELL DONE goes to our Excellent Examples, Lexi-May and Alyssia!

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to lots more learning and fun next week.

Team Delamere