Delamere's Weekly Blog - 21.6.24

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 3:56pm

What a lovely sunny ending to a busy and productive week!

In Maths we have continued to work really hard on our fractions unit, growing in confidence in finding a half, quarter or third of a shape or quantity. Today we explore the vocabulary and meaning of the numerator and denominator in unit fractions. These are fractions that are one part of the whole. Great work Delamere, keep it up!

We made a very interesting discovery today - 2 colourful eggs in a nest outside of our school. We had lots of wonderful ideas about what they could be and where they could have come from. I have taken them home with me to keep them safe over the weekend and I will keep you posted on any developments. 

In Geography we began a new unit looking at the village of Mugamareno by finding where Zambia is on a world map and in shared reading we completed our story ‘The Glassmaker’s Daughter’ and began our new book ‘The Secret of the Tattered Shoes’. We were very excited to get our fire engine designs completed in DT and started the making process. Lots of creative thinking and problem solving going on already – we can’t wait to see the end results!

In Science we are learning about the stages of life of humans and it would be great if you could send, by email or an actual photo, a baby picture of your child so that we can play a game of guess who. There might even be some teachers in there too!

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to our TTRS superstars Lily and Tyler!! 30 raffle tickets are in the golden tin for you both. PLEASE PLEASE make sure that you are using this resources with your child, just a couple of minutes a day will make such a difference to their confidence in Maths and is such a boost to their confidence as they get better. If they struggle at first, sit with them and help them with the answers or maybe have the times table facts written out for the children to refer to. Remember you can use your fingers to help count in and we can use our multiplication facts to help with division. We will continue to work on the game at school but it is really important that they also access it home.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend smothered in sun cream and look forward to lots more fun and learning next week.

Team Delamere