Delamere's Weekly blog - 2.2.2024

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 4:21pm

Wow! Time has really flown by this week – we must be having lots of fun!

In Maths we have been blown away by the children’s careful and methodical work in solving both addition and subtraction problems. The care that has been taken in the presentation has reduced mistakes and made it much easier to work through the calculations. I honestly thought some Year 6 children had snuck in this week and completed the work. A big well done everyone. Next week we will be looking at using number lines alongside our mental maths skills. We will also be celebrating Maths Day on Tuesday through the theme of jellybeans!

In English we have been writing for different purposes using the words ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ to connect our ideas, whilst still trying to use noun phrases (sharp, curved beak) and adverbs (slowly, quickly, gracefully) to add further detail. Although the volume of writing has been less, we have seen a real improvement in the quality of writing so well done everyone.

In RE the children continued to learn about the Torah and in History we excelled at our detective work, looking closely at clues to find out how the Great Fire started. In PE we have practised the tuck shape, pike shape and straddle shape and the children showed great control and creativity when linking shapes with their partner. In Geography this week the children named and located the oceans. I wonder if they can sing you the song? In Science we explored an item that was made a variety of materials, my daughter’s bike. We labelled the parts, named the materials and then thought like a physician to explain why they were suitable for the job that they do. Some of us even had a go at designing a bike made out of unsuitable materials. In PSHE we continued to think about bullying and helped Deedee give advice to 3 children who were feeling worried about themselves or someone else. In music we explored pitch through our Animals unit and in Shared Reading we explored a beautiful poem called ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom. On top of all of this we enjoyed our Dinosaur Nursery rhyme this week too with lots of roaring and stomping along the way. Super work Delamere! No wonder the week went quickly, look at how much we jammed in! 

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to Lily, Archie and Tyler for topping the leader board on Numbots.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to more fun and learning next week.

Team Delamere