Delamere's Weekly Blog - 22.9.2023

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 3:26pm

Wow! The weeks are really flying by in Delamere – time flies when you’re having fun!

This week in English we have continued to find out more about our story Troll Swap and our learning has been all about noun phrases, with some lovely examples being created such as ‘dark, squelchy cave’, ‘mucky, messy trolls’ and ‘red, beady eyes’ to name but a few. The trolls asked for our help to make a set of instructions for Timothy to help him act more like the other trolls. We had some great ideas such as ‘Pick slimey snot from your nose!’ and ‘Burp in everyones face’ and ‘Never wash so that you are a stinky, disgusting creature!’

In Maths we had a combination of practising writing numbers to 100 in words and partitioning numbers into tens and ones using both part whole models and place value charts. We are growing in confidence with this and beginning to remember the value of the tens, e.g. 5 tens and 3 ones is 53 which can be represented as 50 + 3 = 53. We will begin to explore different ways that we can partition next week by moving some of the tens such as 13 + 40 = 53.

In Science we sorted living and non-living things and in Religious Education we focused on the symbols that represent the Holy Spirit and what qualities they represent. Fire is strength and power, wind is invisible, the dove is a symbol of peace and water is life giving.

In History we began to add to our class and individual timelines adding simple events within living memory (which is with 100 years ago) such as when we were born. We also started to learn some facts about 3 Queens of Britain. I wonder if your child can remember any of their names? 

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to Daisy, Beatrice and Freddie for being top of the leader board in Numbots.

So sorry but I forgot to send the spelling homework home at the end of the day but have attached it here. Paper copies will come home next week. Please make sure to practise these at home ready for next Friday. Learning to spell the Year 2 Common Exception words will help your child to become a more confident and fluent writer. 

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to lots more fun and learning next week.

Team Delamere

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