Delamere's Weekly blog - 27.5.2022

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 12:49pm

What a wonderful Platinum Jubilee celebration we have had today! It was so lovely to see the children looking so smart in their red, white and blue and they have fully embraced the feeling of excitement throughout the day. We started with a Jubilee fact hunt left for us by Connie the Corgi and had to hunt around outside to find postcards with lots of interesting information about the Queen on them. Did you know that the Queen owns all of the swans, whales and dolphins in UK waters? Each postcard also had a letter on it and it was our job to work out the mystery royal word. I wonder if you can work it out? The letters were;

                J A Y T E M S

Our next job was to make portraits of the Queen and I think that you will agree, that the children all did a fabulous job. (See photos below).

We worked together to use blocks and construction equipment to build London with the children even using the space underneath the table to add the London Underground, decorated crowns, made red, white and blue collages, made stamp bunting and even managed to squeeze in a draw with Rob.

What a day, what a week, what a half term!! A huge WELL DONE to every single member of Delamere. We hope that you all have a fun break and we look forward to seeing back in school on  Monday 6th June 2022. (UPDATED DATE - SORRY!)

Team Delamere