Delamere's Weekly Blog - 3.5.24

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 5:07pm

Another very successful week in Delamere and it was so lovely to finally be able to get out into the warmth of the sunshine.

English was all about the fire service, both now and in 1666. We used non-fiction books to research the fire service finding out about the uniform and equipment available in the 17th Century and how it compares to the Fire Service today. We then selected different facts and tried to connect them with the words ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’. To finish off our week we put all of this together and created our own fact files, not only trying to include the conjunctions above but also to use commas in a list. Well done Delamere as this was not easy but you all created some brilliant sentences.

In Maths we continued to work on multiplication and how we can use it to help us solve division problems. We have made great progress when counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10 and are now more able to see how this can help us solve different problems. Next week we will work on doubling and halving. Please keep up the Numbots and TTRS practise, it is so important in building confidence in Maths.

In PSHE this week we began our Feelings and Emotion unit with a particular focus on worry. We had lots of fantastic discussions about times that we have felt worried and things that we do if we feel worried. It was really interesting to hear the children’s ideas. We explored a variety of things that we can do to help, including talking to a trusted adult, spending time with a pet and writing your worries down. We will keep returning to this over the next few weeks and work on some strategies that we can use in school.

We started our next Design Technology unit, Mechanisms this week and our focus is wheels and axles. We will be designing and making our own fire engines and began by looking closely at the different features. If you have any cardboard boxes or other resources that your child (or other children) could use to make their fire engine please do send them in. If your child has a box that they would particularly like to use, please label it but it would be great if we had a good selection to choose from so the more the better!

This week has been full of achievements; raffle tickets, head teacher awards and star of the day certificates galore. Our big WELL DONE goes to Oscar for Numbots and Matilda, Tyler and Sebastian for TTRS. Keep up the great work! I would love to see more people accessing the TTRS game and getting some other names on the leader board. It is the same login as your Numbots account.

Next week we are off for the bank holiday Monday but look forward to more fun and learning when we see you on Tuesday.

Team Delamere