Delamere's Weekly Blog - 4.10.2024

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 3:16pm

Well that week just whizzed by! They do say time flies when you’re having fun and we are certainly having a lot of that along with LOTS of learning.

In English we have been focusing on the character of Tabitha, writing a diary extract for her time with the trolls and then writing a letter from Tabitha’s Mum and Dad trying to persuade her to come home. We are making so much progress with our writing and increasing our independence every day.

Maths brought more place value fun, with us further practising partitioning in tens and ones and also using Maths resources to support us partitioning more flexibly. We even explored using a systematic method to find all of the possible answers. I’m exhausted just writing about it!

In other areas of the curriculum we practised some fantastic cricket skills in PE, designed our own  beautiful Holy Spirit crosses in RE, in Science we went on a nature hunt in our local habitat, in PSHE we learned about fire safety and in History we looked at 3 important Queens of England and looked at when they reigned using our timelines. What a busy week!

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to Daneel for playing the most minutes on Numbots and Reuben for the most coins earned. Well done also to Maxwell and Izzy who got certificates for their Numbots efforts this week. Keep up the hard work everyone, we are very proud of all of the effort that you are putting in.

A big shout out also to all of the children who have brought spelling practise in to show us – some super work!

Looking ahead to next week – Thursday is individual photographs and don’t forget to get your parent consultation appointment booked in.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to more fun and learning next week.

Team Delamere