Delamere's Weekly Blog - 6.5.2022

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 3:28pm

Another busy week. Are we really already in May?! Time is whizzing by so quickly. But we have no worries about Delamere keeping up, they are doing an amazing job at the moment.

We have been doing lots of Maths this week, learning about Fractions of shapes and numbers in the morning and then working on 3D shapes in the afternoons and we are very impressed with how the children are soaking up all of the new concepts and vocabulary. In Fractions we have been finding a half and a quarter of shapes and quantities and are beginning to use the correct mathematical representations for each. In Shape we have been learning all sorts of new words such as edge, face, vertex (vertices) and that’s not even including the shape names, cuboid, sphere, cylinder, cube, triangular based pyramid, square based pyramid and triangular prism. Well done Delamere! We will continue with both of these units over the next couple of weeks.

In English this week we have had a real push on using and applying our reading skills. We are training to become Special Agents, learning lots of skills to help us with our secret Reading and Maths missions, such as skim and scan and find a word and we are getting super confident at completing them. If you would like to see what we mean then please follow the links below. It would be great to get some extra Special Agent training at home.

Go Back and Find the Answer -

Find and Copy a Word -

Scan and Skim -

Tick the Correct Answer -

The main message from our training is, ‘Don’t Panic!’ Stop, think and use your Special Agent skills. We’ve got this Delamere!

Bean Update!

I was pretty sure that we had planted broad beans in our pots but maybe we got muddled up with magic beans – they are growing so quickly! We can see the shoots have pushed their way through the soil and our now growing upwards and getting taller each day. The beans in our mini greenhouses are also growing well and it is amazing to see the whole process that usually happens beneath the soil happen so clearly for us to see. (See photos below. No sign of a giant’s castle yet, but watch this space!)

Well done to all of the children who have accessed Times Table Rock Stars and Numbots this week.

This week our big WELL DONE goes to our first TTRS winners, Kizzy, Keiya and Evie, our Numbots winners Vicky, Alyssia and Amelia and our Excellent Examples Lexi-May and Ernie.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week for more fun and learning.

Team Delamere