Delamere's Weekly Blog

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 5:07pm

What a week! A massive well done to all of the children with their first week of swimming. There has been some amazing progress already and the children have adapted to the new routine brilliantly. Thank you for all of your support behind the scenes, washing and drying the children's swim stuff and making sure that they have had everything that they need each day. We really appreciate your support. 

Another highlight this week was World Book Day on Thursday and we had lots of fun exploring the book 'Leaf' by Sandra Diekmann. We were so inspired by the beautiful artwork that we created our own polar bear pictures using chalk and oil pastels and then made a class picture of the cover by creating colourful leaves and collaging them over the image of Leaf. In the afternoon we used blankets and sheets to make our own reading caves and had lots of fun sharing books together inside. 

In other areas of the curriculum we have worked on 2 new joins in handwriting, carried out a Science experiment to see how we can change the shape of different objects and concluded our RE work on Judaism. 

A great effort by everyone! 

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to Elsie, Tyler and Daisy for topping the Numbots leader board. 

We hope that you have a great weekend and look forward to more fun and learning (and swimming!) next week. 

Team Delamere