Delamere's Weekly Update 21.1.17

Date: 20th Jan 2017 @ 3:23pm

This week has flown by once again.

We have been working hard producing work for the writing exhibition. I am extremely proud of all the children because this week they have produced the best writing so far this year. I hope you are looking forward to seeing it on Thursday 9th February.

In maths we have moved on to looking at multiplication and what it means. We have talked about the X symbol meaning times, multiply, multiplied, multiples and lots of. Please keep practising the 2, 5 and 10 times tables at home, they are doing really well. Next week we are going to sue this knowledge to help us understand division.

We have all had great fun creating and collaging our dragons this week. We were very excited to use the amazing, sparkly paper! All will be revealed at the writing exhibition.

Reading - The new reward system is working well. So far we have 3 children in the class who have read 10 times at home and have chosen a reward form my treat basket. Keep it up, I cannot emphasise enough how important it is that you child read regularly at home and discusses what they are reading.

Have a fab weekend.

Mrs Bettley