Delamere's Weekly update 23.9.16

Date: 24th Sep 2016 @ 12:30pm

This week we have continued our work about the UK and have begun to learn about The Royal Family. We used the Learnpads to create a pic collage to show some of the people who make up The Royal Family. Can your child remember any? I will publish them in the topic area of our class page, once they are finished.

In maths we have been reviewing our knowledge of addition pairs to 10 and have moved onto addition pairs to 20. Next week’s homework will provide further practice for this skill.

In our English lessons we have just started a new unit which will look at the story Toys in Space. Please do not share this book with your child as it will spoil the surprises as we move through out work! The children have shown great skill in writing noun phrases. I wonder if they can tell you what a noun phrase is or give you an example of one?

There is a really big push on handwriting in school at the moment. PLease make sure that you child completes them homework neatly and in pencil. If you have an quesitons about our handwriting in school please do come and see me.

I collect reading diaries in every day to check that children are reading at home. If they have read you will see RT in purple pen next to that day. The children know that this means they can get a raffle ticket because they have read at home. All raffle tickets children earn throughout the week are out in a box and every Friday a winner is pulled out. The winner gets to choose a prize from Miss Harrison.

See you on Monday, Mrs Bettley.