Delamere's weekly update 7.10.16

Date: 8th Oct 2016 @ 4:41pm

We have now been back at school a month, it has flown by and the children are already making pleasing progress in their learning. Well done to all of you! 

We are really enjoying reading Toys In Space and the children have produced some really pleasing writing. We have written a diary in role as one of the toys and made predictions about the space creature that the toys are about to meet. 

The focus in maths this week has been telling the time to quarter of an hour. By the end of the week children were more confident with this but it certainly wouldn't do any harm practising this skills regularly at home. 

In our topic work we have begun to think about how we can find out about toys in the past. The children thought of questions that they are going to ask me and Mrs Williams to find out about the toys we used to play with. We also linked this to our science work exploring what modern toys are made from.

Dont forget to bring in tins or packets of soup for the Harvest Festival. 

Enjoy the weekend. 

Mrs Bettley.