Fantastic Friday in Delamere - 14.5.2021

Date: 14th May 2021 @ 5:48pm

We have had an amazing couple of days in Delamere!

In English, we continued to think about our heroes and put all of the things that we would like to say to them in a letter. The children worked so hard and produced some really beautiful and thoughtful work. Today we looked at two characters, one called Amelia and another called Amelia Jane. We thought about which one we would choose to be our friend and then wrote statements using the word because to explain our choice.

In Maths we have been using our Multiplication and Division skills to solve a variety of word problems. We thought about which information we were given, what we were being asked to find out and then which operation we could use to solve the problem. We have found this quite tricky, especially reading the questions carefully, but made real progress throughout the week, so well done Delamere.

Science was all about plants! We observed the progress of our beans and have been so excited to see that some more have germinated. See the photos below. We also explored the life cycle of different plants, watching time lapse videos, cutting and sticking pictures in the correct order and recording what happens at each stage. We acted out the life cycle of a sunflower and the children found it very funny as we got to the last stage and then started all over again! It was lovely to see the children pretending to be tiny sunflower seeds growing into beautiful sunflowers. I was really impressed with the scientific language that the children used and I wonder if they can tell you about some of these words; seed coat, food store, embryo, germinate, life cycle, roots.

We were also really interested to see the progress of our test beans, especially as the bean that has no light but does have water, has started to grow! Lots of us didn’t expect it to as we believed that beans and seeds needed light to grow. CHALLENGE: I wonder if anyone can do some research into this and find out how the bean has grown without any sunlight. 

In our class collective worship this week we listened to the bible story ‘Jesus heals the two blind men’ (Matthew 9: 27-31) and thought about what it could teach us about compassion and how we can let our lights shine before others. To remind us of our work we made our own heart pictures asking God to ‘Open the eyes to my heart’ and added them to our Compasssion display. 

As part of Mental Health Week, we explored different sounds and how they made us feel. The children came up with some gorgeous words, relaxed, calm and focused being my favourites, and we discovered that not all of us enjoy the same sounds. Some of us really liked the running stream sounds and others preferred the Summer’s Day sounds of nature. This reminded us that we are all different and that’s OK.

Well done to the children who have been working hard on Numbots this week. This week’s winners are:

1st – Joshua

2nd – Ava K

3rd – Mia

Highest Accuracy – Joshua

Congratulations to Oliver, Kai and Jacob who are this week's Excellent Examples. 

A big WELL DONE to everyone for a fabulous week and we look forward to more adventures and learning next week.

Team Delamere