Fantastic Friday in Delamere - 2.7.2021

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 4:07pm

I can’t quite believe how quickly the weeks are flying by! Another jam packed week, full of fun, hard work and lots of great achievements.

In Maths we have begun to think about how we can solve subtraction problems with two 2-digit numbers where the problem needs us to cross ten. We firstly tackled this using practical resources to see how we can exchange one ten for ten ones to help us and then some of us have moved onto using the column method. We were really impressed with the children’s understanding and at how quickly they picked up this skill so well done Delamere! We will continue with this next week and begin to see how we can use this skill for problem solving.

In English we have thoroughly enjoyed exploring our class book ‘The Last Wolf’ some more and I have been amazed by some of the vocabulary that the children are using. We have been thinking about adding -er and -est to words as we described the woods and the character of the wolf. I have attached a wonderful piece of descriptive writing written in the role of one of Wolf's housemates. 

In RE this week we have been learning about the Qu’ran and why it so special to Muslim people. Lots of great discussion took place and it was great to see how interested the children were in different faiths, finding lots of similarities with Christianity aswell.

We had a Science and Maths mash up afternoon on Thursday, finding out about our favourite fruits in Delemare. Strawberries were the clear winner! We used tally charts and pictograms to record the information and then used these to answer questions. A really super effort from everyone!

In DT we created moving pictures to show the adventures of Ferdinand Magella and we had lots of fun moving our ships forwards and backwards to show how he travelled aroun the world. (See below) 

Well done to our Numbots winners this week, Joshua, Franklin and Robyn and to our excellent examples, Holly, Harry, Jacob and Joshua.

We haven't sent any spellings home to learn this week but have given each child a copy of the Year 2 words that we have been practising throughout the year. These are to help support the children in practising those words that they find tricky but there will not be a spell check next week. 

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.

Team Delamere