Hatchmere Class Blog 10.7.22

Date: 10th Jul 2022 @ 11:29pm

Hello Hatchmere.

Sorry for the late post -Friday was a bit of a busy but fun day.  The children had a great time making the slime and designing the posters for our class stall, but I think they were a little bit disappointed that we weren’t keeping it for ourselves!  It was lovely to see such a great turn out for our fair and we will let you know how much we made-all of which will go straight back into school and benefit the children.

We had our last session with our Sports Coach on Thursday and as per usual the children had great fun and Mr Bearcroft was very complimentary on how good our children were at listening and following instructions.  They played a very complicated game of head, shoulders knees and toes that involved wearing cones on their heads and running around. He told me that it was a game he usually played with older children, but our class was so good he thought he would try it. They did brilliantly!

The children have also had their last transition meeting with their new teacher , Mrs Bettley, in their new classroom.  Moving from what they are so familiar with to something new can be quite daunting for our children and we find this transition sessions really help to settle any nerves and answer some of the questions the children have.  If you have any questions about next year please do not hesitate to come and talk to me about it.

This week is our last full week together and it is even busier than normal.  We will be finishing off our writing project and completing some owly artwork.   This writing and artwork will be passed up to the next teacher so the children will start the year with their work on their new classroom wall.    On Monday we will be writing our Commonwealth pledge and researching  the games.  This week we had a Paralympian visiting our school We also have the nurses coming in to do the children’s height and weight check.  During the week I will be assessing all the children’s phonics to ensure the most update information is passed on to the next teacher.  On Thursday it is our French Day and in Hatchmere we will be learning how to answer the register in French, talking to our very own French teacher and learning a little bit about the French culture.  

Thursday is also our Paddling Pool Day.  To celebrate a fantastic year, we have a bit of watery fun.  You will receive an email with the details in the next few days but all you will need to provide is a swimming costume and towel for your child. There is no cost for this event. 

This week is going to be a hot one so please make sure the chilren bring in a refillable water bottle, hat and have sunscreen on.

Thank you.