Hatchmere's Class Blog 16.6.23

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 3:28pm

Hello from a very warm Hatchmere.

This week the children have been absolute troopers with their attitude to learning whilst trying to keep cool! We have had windows open, shoes and socks off, hats on, copious amounts of water and cool calming activities to support our well being. 

In Literacy this week we have written all about our trip to the zoo. Hatchmere have created some beautiful pieces of writing that are being proudly exhibited on our new Chester Zoo display. Alongside this we have some fantastic artwork depicting the animals that we saw and have been learning about. A favourite animal by far has been the fruit bat! Please explore the pictures below and see if your child can spot their painting or their writing.

Our mathematicians have been very busy discussing what constitutes a double, can they explain to you what a doulbe is? Could they give you an example in number sentence (2 and another 2 equals 4, double 2 is 4, two 2s is 4)?. They have also been consoladating their knowledge of the number 5 and the number bonds within it. Can they tell you one of those number bonds?

During PE the children have been challenged to listen carefully to instructions as they play team games. There have been lots of cheering as they prepare for their sports day activities next week.  

Please see the plans below for next weeks activities.

Have a great weekend and keep cool.

Hatchmere Team


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