Hatchmere's Class Blog 17.1.25
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 8:30am
Lots of exciting things have happened this week, including a visit from the Sun! Hurrah!
You may have heard that we have a new Hatchmerian in our classroom! I have proudly watched as all of our children have made them feel incredibly welcome, supported them as they have learnt the rules and routines of the class and ensured that they did not feel like an outsider at any point. What a gorgeous beginning to our OSJ school family.
The Naughty Bus has arrived! Part of the children’s literacy task this week was to label a bus. The children used their sound mats to support their writing, carefully forming their letters. Super work Hatchmere!
There has been a Wedding in Hatchmere. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about weddings in their R.E lesson with Miss Dyson, acting out a ceremony enthusiastically. This is something they have re-visited time and again in their play (child-led learning) and has been lovely to watch.
Drawing Club this week saw the children designing their own pair of underpants! We had great fun discussing and drawing our creations. The children then wrote their descriptions independently, using a sentence checker, to make sure they had all the ingredients of a good sentence. Our budding artists have also been busy creating our new classroom display themed around London and Transport. I'm very much looking forward to the finished product.
In Maths this week we have been subitising numbers up to 6, using a tally to record the traffic outside of school and ordering the numicon to show a number line to 6. In addition to this Hatchmere have been playing one of their favourite games...subitising bingo! If a child gets a line fully coloured in they win the game and 5 raffle tickets, it's a competitive affair with some children playing over and over again.
According to one child - "This has been the best week ever". And with that, all of the Hatchmere team enter the weekend happy.
See you next week for more of the same!