Hatchmere's Class Blog 23.6.23

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 3:15pm

Hatchmere is infested...WITH EVIL PEAS!!

A couple of weeks ago the children received a letter from the Chilly Peas asking if they would rescue them as they had been caught and frozen! Of course Hatchmere got right to work to help free these poor peas. However, we did wonder why the peas were frozen? And who would freeze them? Well, this week we found out that these were no ordinary peas, but EVIL PEAS!! They have wreaked havoc upon our classroom this week. Luckily we have managed to design a trap to catch those pesky peas. We have also re-enacting the story of Supertato as he also had an evil pea predicament. We have really enjoyed choosing which fruit/vegetable to be and have Supertato rescue us.

Hatchmere have been working hard on their number formation during maths this week alongside exploring the numbers up to and including 10. They have challenged themselves to create number bonds, number patterns and recognising the missing number. Why don’t you write out the numbers to 10 and miss one number out…can your child identify the missing number? Can they tell you a number bond to 5 or even 10? Let us know!

We had a surprise visitor to our classroom today! One of our children spotted a cricket on the playground that seemed lost and tired. We rescued it and provided water and then released it into our wild flower garden.

Mrs Teece and I are looking forward to the Delamere Street Festival tomorrow and seeing all of the children perform on stage.  All the information you need is on the form we sent out to you on school spider. They have worked hard on their dancing and hope to bring energy to their audience…see you there.

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