Hatchmere's Class Blog 30.6.23

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 9:00am

Lots happening in Hatchmere this week!

We were so fortunate to have Mrs D to talk to us about her home in Sri Lanka. She told us all about life over there, introduced us to the Sri Lankan flag, national fruit and national flower. Can your child tell you what they were? Thank you Mrs D, we really enjoyed our afternoon with you.

In Literacy this week we have put ourselves in the place of the fruits and vegetables that Evil Pea had captured! We thought about what they would say if they were captured by the Evil Pea. Luckily, our class superhero, Super Tato, is on hand to help.

Did you know that there are lots of numbers hiding within numbers? Hatchmere do! They have been pulling apart numbers up to 10 and exploring all of the ‘hidden numbers’ inside. Did you know 6 is made from double 3? Did you know that you can also add 5 and 1 to make 6? Did you know that 6 is an even number? Do you know what numbers are 1 more or one less than 6? Ask your child, they should be able to tell you.

Hatchmere went to the circus on Thursday! We were so luckily to have Peter come to visit us and support us with our own circus skills. The children really challenged themselves to try something new and quite tricky. We were so proud of how the children supported their friends as they shared equipment and braved some difficult balance boards. Well done Hatchmere!

It was lovely to see the children in their yellow outfits showing support for mental health today.  In Hatchmere we had a talk about what we could do if we were feeling sad or lonely.  The children came up with lots of great ideas and put those ideas into action when they were playing-making sure no one was feeling left out.

We had some very special visitors in our classroom today. Delamere came to show us the fire engines that they had made. They were fantastic. The children asked some lovely questions to gain more information about the process and then walked around and spoke to each child individually. We really enjoyed chatting together about Delamere’s creations. Some Hatchmerians were inspired to make their own fire engines within the continuous provision. Amazing.

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