Hatchmere's Class Blog 3.11.23
Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 8:40am
It has been a super week in Hatchmere!
Our first week back from half term has certainly been a busy one! The children were excited to share with us what they had been up to and the places that they visited. Lots of children had brought in their writing from home which has been shared with the whole class and celebrated with 5 raffle tickets each.
Our Autumn walk was a success. Thank you to all of our adult volunteers (we had so many we had to pick names from a hat!), your help and support was very much appreciated. Fortunately, the weather was not too bad and although drizzly at times we managed to escape a heavy down pour thanks to Winsford Cricket Club and their kindness. Winsford Cricket Club allowed us to use their club as a base for the children on our Autumn adventure. This ensured that Hatchmere had facilities to use and a safe, dry area to enjoy their snack and rest their little legs. We are so thankful to the Club for their thoughtfulness and community minded generosity. I know that the Club are currently looking for both adult and child players so if this is something you are interested in you can find them on Facebook ‘Winsford Cricket Club 1888’ or by visiting their website www.winsfordcc.co.uk. Thank you to Winsford Cricket Club once again!
From this point on the children will be writing about what they did at the weekend. This could be watching a film with family, reading a favourite book, going to Nannies for a sleepover or visiting places in or around Winsford. The children always enjoy writing about something that is personal to them.
As part of our Literacy this week the children have learning about Autumn, daily routines and local wildlife. They have also began writing about their Autumn walk. In addition to this, our Bedtime Story day was a huge success and we have read and discussed many books. We had some lovely snuggly reading sessions by the ‘fire’, we read while lounging on beanbags in the cosy Ski Chalet and even enjoyed our more energetic stories in our outside classroom. What a fabulous day we have had. Ask your child what their favourite story was from the day, can they re-tell the story to you?
In Maths this week we have been investigating the number 5. The children were excited to be given a number and then going to find a partner with another number which could help them both to make the number 5. Lots of careful counting and mathematical language being used (“I need a bigger number”, “I have got a 1 do you have a 4 to make 5 with me”, “a 3 and a 2 make 5”.) Our subitising activity is getting a little trickier now but the children are rising to the challenge. Well done Hatchmere, I can tell you really enjoy your number work.
See you next week Hatchmere...we are going on a Squirrel hunt!!