Hatchmere's Class Blog 28.4.23

Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 9:12am

Are we ready for the Bank Holiday weekend? Hatchmere are! We have had another jam-packed week.

The children have been thinking about their reaction if they had seen a bear in their garden! If you were Lily, what would you have said? The children have then produced some writing in a speech bubble. It has been lots of fun.

Hatchmere have explored different ways to make the same number using a tens square. Did you know a 3 and another 3 make 6, that it is a double and an even number.

We have had our healthy brains switched on this week as Hatchmere discussed which food is healthy and which is unhealthy. Please send pictures of your families healthy choices at meal times. Are there vegetables on the plate? Did you have fruit for desert? We’d like to know about any conversations you have had with your child about the importance of a balanced diet. What do they think about it?

Once again the children have been outside on rotation learning the skills of skipping, team games and riding bikes. This is in addition to their twice weekly PE lessons! A healthy balanced will help your child become fitter and stronger as their physical abilities develop. What activities do you take part in as a family to keep you all healthy? Walking to school? Swimming? Running? Dancing? Please let us know, we would love to discuss them as a whole class.

Please click below to see Hatchmere’s learning plans for next week.

Have a wonderful long weekend and remember we do not return to school until TUESDAY 2nd May.


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