Hatchmere's Class Blog 9.6.23

Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 11:19am

I think we can agree that Hatchmere have begun their final half term with a bang!

Firstly, the children arrived at school to find a letter from the Chilly Peas! They were asking for help as they had been frozen in a block of ice and needed to be rescued. Hatchmere went straight to work exploring different options such as; sawing them out, digging, using tweezers to pick them out etc. All the children could find something in the classroom that may help. However after experimenting it was found the warm water and salt were the solution to free the Chilly Peas the quickest and with the minimum amount of casualties (we are pleased to report that there were only an few squished peas). Hang on though…what if this happens again?? The children got right to work writing instructions to ensure the Chilly Peas get released form their icy shell quickly and safely. Fantastic work!

In Math’s this week the children have been subitising masters! They are very good at taking a picture of an array of dots with their mind and using their number knowledge to figure out how many there was. It was fantastic to see mathematical language being used naturally in their answers “I could see a 3 and a 1 so I know that’s 4”, “ I saw a group of 2 and a group of 3 so it makes 5”.  We introduced the rekenreks to the children-which are small abacuses.  These help the children visualise numbers as they add and take away.
Just to top the week off nicely, we had our class trip to Chester Zoo. Wow! Those little Hatchmerians legs walked 5k around the zoo and we could not be prouder of the children. We had the opportunity to see so many animal and the whole class blew our socks off when we arrived at the Bat Cave….everybody challenged themselves to walk through, and whilst it was not scary, it was a bit smelly.   We were so proud of their lovely behaviour and can do attitude.  

Unfortunately I can't seem to upload this week’s planning.  I will try and add it a later date.  Next week we will be learning more about those chilly peas, writing about our trip to the zoo and looking at money. 
Have a great weekend and we will see you all on Monday.