Hatchmere's Class Blog 12.7.24

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 9:47am

Our penultimate week in Hatchmere has been so much fun!

Our children have been using their superhero writing skills to begin their re-telling of Supertato. They are excited to take this independent task to Mrs Bettley so that she may see what amazing writers they are.

In maths the children have been exploring 2D shapes and their properties. We have played shape bingo, guess the shape and manipulated shapes to help us to create fantastic pictures.

In PE we have seen the Hatchmerians take to Yoga as the true superheroes that they are as they carried out yoga poses for Spiderman, The Hulk and Batman. We had lots of fun with this one. 

Despite the showers this week Hatchmere have been on a minibeast hunt and done a spot of gardening in our outdoor classroom. They have explored the different plants and flowers surrounding our mud kitchen and bug hotel. I am sure the bugs and minibeasts will agree it looks so much more inviting and as the children liked to point out it smells of mint. 

Hatchmere have been working hard on their end of year portraits. They have used a mirror to look at the detail of their faces and have carefully drew their base ready to use the water colours. I can’t wait to see them come to life!

Our paddling pool afternoon was cancelled but that did not stop Hatchmere from greeting our new September Hatchmerians and showing them how much fun they are going to have at Over St Johns. The new children were shown the ropes around our outside classroom, using our play equipment and with the bikes and scooters. Our current Hatchmerians epitomised our school values of Ready, Respectful and Safe and were excellent role models. Well done Hatchmere.

The Year 6 leavers performance is next Friday and I hope you can join us to wish our leavers well and watch as Hatchmere perform their song. They have worked incredibly hard on their performance and I am bursting with pride at their expression and emotion whilst singing. It will be a farewell song to remember.

I have not uploaded my full planning page as usual due to the timetabling of next week. We will continue with our phonics lessons, shape investigations, our Supertato re-telling and painting of our portraits. We will also be carving out time to spend altogether as we prepare to say goodbye to the Hatchmere classroom (that was difficult to write). Here’s to a fantastic last week…we’ve got this Hatchmere!

Dance: Chu Chu Wa

Song: When I Grow Up

Cosmic Yoga: Hulk


                        Spider Power